upcoming: trans.fail/xenotopic.network
𝈇 𝈪 𝈖 𝈛 𝈧 𝈲 𝈓 𝈤 𝈩 𝈊 𝈟 𝈕 𝈠 𝈟 𝈩
mtime:2103130201 fname:gender_critical.md
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Server.default.waitForBoot {

    // audio is in the smp/ subfolder from the location of this file
    var path = PathName.new(thisProcess.nowExecutingPath).pathOnly +/+ "smp/contrapoints_gender_critical.wav";
    ~contra = Buffer.read(s, path);

    // a mono channel feeding reverb fx
    ~revBus = Bus.audio(s, 1);

    // stereo channel feeding granular reverb/delay
    ~granBus = Bus.audio(s, 2);

    // two buffers for granluar rev/delay
    ~granbufL = Buffer.alloc(s, 6 * s.sampleRate);
    ~granbufR = Buffer.alloc(s, 6 * s.sampleRate);

    // SynthDefs

    SynthDef(\bufPlayer, {
        arg out=0, sndbuf, gate = 1, amp = 0.1, pos = 0, rate = 1;
        var snd, com, env;

        env = EnvGen.ar(Env.asr(0.01, 1, 0.01), gate, doneAction:Done.freeSelf);
        snd = PlayBuf.ar(1, sndbuf, rate: rate, startPos: pos);
        com = CombN.ar(snd, 0.5, Rand(0.01, 0.05), mul:0.6);
        snd = snd + (com * Rand(0, 1));
        snd = RLPF.ar(snd, Rand(1000, 5000), 0.2);
        snd = HPF.ar(snd, Rand(200,1000));
        snd = Decimator.ar(snd/2, ExpRand(5000,44100), add:snd/2);
        com = CombN.ar(snd, 0.5, Rand(0.1, 0.5));
        snd = snd + (com * Rand(0,0.5));
        snd = Limiter.ar(snd,0.1) * 4;
        snd = snd * env * amp;

        Out.ar(out, snd);

    SynthDef(\revfx, {
        arg inBus, outBus=0, revtime = 5, dry=1, wet=0.2, roomsize=100;
        var snd;

        snd = In.ar(inBus);
        snd = GVerb.ar(snd, roomsize, revtime, drylevel: dry, earlyreflevel: 0, taillevel: wet) ;

        Out.ar(outBus, snd);

    SynthDef(\grainIn, { 
        arg inBus, outBus=0, bufL, bufR, amp=0.5, freq=220, fvar=1, 
        dur = 0.5, durvar = 0.05, pos = 0, posvar = 0.05, pitch = 1, pitchvar = 0.01,
        width = 0.8, gain = 0.4, wet = 1, dry = 3 ;
        var inSnd, snd;

        // audio from a bus
        inSnd = In.ar(inBus, 2);

        // continously record into two buffers
        RecordBuf.ar(inSnd[0], bufL);
        RecordBuf.ar(inSnd[1], bufR);

        // granulate the audio in buffers
        snd = GrainBuf.ar(
            numChannels: 1,
            trigger: Impulse.kr(freq + (freq * (fvar * LFNoise2.kr(freq)))), 
            dur: dur + (durvar * LFNoise2.kr(freq)), // in seconds
            sndbuf: [bufL, bufR], // not sure if this works correctly
            rate: pitch + (pitchvar * LFNoise2.kr(5)), 
            pos: SinOsc.ar(0.03, phase:[0,0.1]).range(0,1) + (posvar * LFNoise2.kr(freq)), // 0-1
            interp: 2, 
            //pan: LFNoise1.kr(10).range(width.neg, width), 
            maxGrains: 512, mul: gain, add: inSnd*2

        // mix granulated and original sound
        snd = (snd * wet) + (inSnd * dry);

        snd = snd * amp;
        snd = Limiter.ar(snd, 0.7);


// create fx
~reverb = Synth(\revfx, [\inBus, ~revBus, \outBus, ~granBus]);
~granulator = Synth(\grainIn, [\inBus, ~granBus, \bufL, ~granbufL, \bufR, ~granbufR], addAction:\addToTail)

// play it with a patterns
    \instrument, \bufPlayer,
    \sndbuf, ~contra,
    \amp, 0.3,

    \dur, Prand([1, 2, 3, Pn(1/4,4), 1/2, Pseq([Pn(1/8,6), Pn(1/4,3)]), Pn(1/3,3)], inf),

    //\pos, Prand(list: (0..~contra.numFrames), repeats: inf),
    \pos, Pseq([
        Pxrand([1, 3, 5, 7, 9], 200),
        Pxrand([11, 13, 15, 17, 20], 200),
        Pxrand([22, 24, 26, 28], 200),
        Prand((0..~contra.numFrames), 30)
    ] * ~contra.sampleRate, inf),

    \legato, Prand((3..6) * 0.1, inf),
    \out, ~revBus

yes, the audio comes from ContraPoint's 'Gender Critical' video.
