upcoming: trans.fail/xenotopic.network
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mtime:2207061241 fname:220706_xenotopic_network_london.md
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This sunday - a rerun of xenotopic.network in London at IKLECTICA 2022 "Experimental Music & Book Fair" (https://iklectikartlab.com/iklectika2022/)

Thinkpad X1 (2nd gen?) is barely capable handling the visual part, but it seems to be ok.

I didn't write much about this third installment of the trans.fail series. That's critically overdue.

The performance is structured after xenofeminist manifesto by Laboria Cuboniks (https://laboriacuboniks.net/manifesto/).

Audio-only release was made few months ago, simply called 'xenotopic networks' (https://lukaprincic.bandcamp.com/album/xenotopic-networks)

// basic screen settings
void settings() {
  //fullScreen(P3D, 2);
  size(1920, 1080, P3D);


// load libs
import oscP5.*; // Open Sound Control
import netP5.*;
import processing.video.*;
//import gohai.glvideo.*;

// title4 PARITY
~sOsc.("drawPlatesToggle", 0);

( // init video
~sOsc.value("playVideoToggle", 0);
~sOsc.value("playVideoBank", 0 );//) {  playVideoBank = int(oscVal2); } // 44
~sOsc.value("playVideoID", 0 );//) {  playVideoID = int(oscVal2); } // 45
~sOsc.value("playVideoPausePlay", 0 );  //) {  playVideoPausePlay = boolean(int(oscVal2)); } // 47
~sOsc.value("playVideoHue", 79 ); //) {  playVideoHue = int(oscVal2); } // 44
~sOsc.value("playVideoSaturation", 0 ); //) {  playVideoSaturation = int(oscVal2); } // 44
~sOsc.value("playVideoBrightness", 127 ); //) {  playVideoBrightness = int(oscVal2); } // 44
~sOsc.value("playVideoAlpha", 127 );//) {  playVideoAlpha = int(oscVal2); } // 44
~sOsc.value("playVideoSpeed", 100);  //) {  playVideoPausePlay = boolean(int(oscVal2)); } // 47
~sOsc.value("playVideoJump", 0);


Pbindef(\granPlayPMARO, *[
    instrument: \granPlay,
    dur:        16,
    legato:     1,
    amp:        0.9,
    pitch:      1,
    autoPosN:   0.02,
    autoPosS:   0.01,
    outBus:     ~lpfFXBus1,
    gpos:       Pdup(2, Pseq([ 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.65, 0.2, 0.1 ],inf)),
    width:      0.4,
    bufnum:     ~getSmp.("saudade_CUT1")
